First Entry Ever
This is my first entry ever into my blog. In the weeks, months, and possibly years to come, you will all get to hear my opinions on just about everything that occurs in my life. I will also mention various stories if I feel they are amusing enough for the world to enjoy, and just about anything else that is thrown my way.
As the name implies, this blog will primarily contain various rants from me. All of them will be done in a sarcastic and comedic manner; it is not my style to just be overbearing and spew vitriole all over the place; if you want to read something like that, watch Fox News with the closed captioning on.
That said, I don't have too much to talk about today, so I'll just like this introductory entry stand as is.
As the name implies, this blog will primarily contain various rants from me. All of them will be done in a sarcastic and comedic manner; it is not my style to just be overbearing and spew vitriole all over the place; if you want to read something like that, watch Fox News with the closed captioning on.
That said, I don't have too much to talk about today, so I'll just like this introductory entry stand as is.
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