MCAT Scores

So my MCAT scores are coming in today. I'm really a nervous wreck at this point. First, this thing with the girl that we will just call Sandy for now, then her crazy ex boyfriend, then my personal statement, then my job apps, then my Med school apps, and now this, the piece de resistance, which will either be the icing on my cake that is my med school application, or it could be the dent in my Lamborghini.
Yes, that's right. I just compared my professional career, no, my life up to this point, to both a cake and a Lamborghini. Craziness.
I'll be updating this post when I get my scores back as to what I'm feeling.
EDIT: Holy crap, I got my MCAT scores back!!! I kicked the damn thing's ass!!! I feel like a freak now for being so overjoyed!!! Haha, it'll be Dr. Angry Frenchy soon enough!!! WOOOOOOOOOO-FUCKING-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
congratulations! =)
I'm so happy for you!
This leaves me with hope that one doesn't need to excel in physics class to actually do well on the MCATs. You didn't teach yourself physics right?
Yeah I basically taught myself physics. It was obviously my lowest section, but it was still high by all standards and measures, so I can't complain.
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