Thursday, September 20, 2007

Is it because I is black?

Okay, so just when I thought things were getting relatively quiet and I would have nothing to write about, this happened.

One of my classmates is (and I suppose this is the correct term?) African American, and she is one of the most overtly offensive people I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. My first encounter with her was in the student recreation area, where I was watching some of my friends play ping pong, at which point she pulled up the chair next to mine, placed her feet atop some other people's briefcases and bags, and let out a massive belch. She did not make any attempts to say, "Excuse me" or anything of that nature.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I have yet another encounter with this lovely individual. This time, a friend and I were discussing the potential benefits of organic foods, and she walks up to us, not at all involved in this conversation, and says, "You're both fucking retarded. I go to Wal Mart and the food there is just as good as that useless shit that you're all buying. You're going to get cancer just as easily as I will, you fucking dumbasses." Lovely. So I'm busy thinking to myself, "What the Mother F...." and trying to figure out where she came from, and why she is so pissed off at us. After all, we were not saying that people that buy canned stuff are retards, we were merely discussing the various places we would go to buy our foods, and the fact that a lot of stuff labeled as "organic" in the US is hardly organic. My friend then starts to disagree with her, and says that a lot of research implicates processed foods in colon cancer and other diseases, at which point she retorts, "Statistics are a bunch of shit, and you're an idiot for believing them." Umm, okay, all they ever teach us in class came from statistics and so forth, but whatever.

So now it's this week, and I see little miss sunshine once again, this time because we were forced to work within a group. Immediately, after the group activity is over, she starts going on this huge rant because she went to some thing to help students learn interviewing skills, so they could be better prepared for their interviews for acceptance into medical school. She was pissed off that there were a bunch of "fucking rich ass white motherfuckers" at this thing, and was even more pissed off that she had to teach these "honkey pieces of shit" how to interview. She then concluded this tirade by saying that she was "going to have to whoop some white ass if this kept up." Terrific. And she is saying this in front of me, and some other people, all of which were ethnic minorities of some variation. And so I interpret this as a blatant attack aimed at me, since, well, I'm white, and she is going off on white medical students. At which point, I start to tell her that there are plenty of things in place to help minorities get into school, affirmative action (racist action as they should call it...) and blah blah blah. At which point she says, "Oh, and you got a problem with that huh?" So being the confrontational person I am I said, "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. These programs completely marginalize the lower socioeconomic classes of all races, but particularly that of the whites - poor whites are SOL when it comes to anything. Oh sure, they don't have any money, and have all sorts of hurdles to deal with, but hey, they're white therefore they must have it easy. Meanwhile, the rich Mexicans and African Americans have none of these hurdles, the only real racism they're exposed to is watching those old civil rights videos in social studies, and roll into school in their black Hummer H2 with Dubz wheels (there were multiple people in my undergraduate institution who owned similar vehicles, all of which were minorities)." This obviously starts her off on another tirade, in which the terms "honkey, cracker, cracka', bitch, motherfucka, whitey" are thrown around left and right. Eventually one of the other people in the group tried to change the subject, which was somewhat successful.

Assuming that the worst was over, I tried to change the subject again by asking if anyone was going to go to the Planned Parenthood seminar later in the day. This set her off yet again. She immediately exclaimed, "Why would I want to go to that shit when these people are a bunch of fucking assholes? I don't believe in a goddammed thing that they do." Being somewhat shocked by this, I immediately responded, "You don't believe that women should be made aware of the contraceptive options available to them and be informed about safe sex practices?" This was met with the eloquent argument of, "Those dirty bitches should keep their damn legs closed. I don't have to worry about none of dat shit because I don't fuck around like a fucked up rabbit bitch." I barely know what that means, but I do know that it hurt my head to listen to such idiotic drivel.

How in the hell is someone like this admitted into medical school? Are adcoms so obsessed with "diversity" that they are willing to admit flagrant narrow-minded racists into school? Just replace her usage of all derogatory words towards whites with derogatory words towards blacks (in France, we just say black and white, and no one cares - minority groups don't get offended by it, so I assume it's okay), and then pretend that she was white. From what I gather, she would be branded as a terrible, subhuman racist, who should be condemned to the darkest inner circle of hell, and ideally die after rabid porcupines are forcibly inserted into her rectum. But because she is African American and racist towards whites, it's not only perfectly okay for her to say these things, but also she should be encouraged to do so? What a load of horse crap. She doesn't even understand basic etiquette and views whites as inherently evil - what is she going to do if she ever gets a white patient? "Yo, honkey motherfuck, you have cervical cancer, which is good, because you shouldn't have fucked all dem frat boys when you was young, you fucking whore." Terrific. Just terrific.

Maybe one day I'll find some sane classmates, but that day is not today.

In other news, they lectured us today on why Dr. House is a very poor doctor. To them I say, "You're all poor doctors for not recognizing Dr. Gregory House's unbridled genius, and sublime analyses of human interactions, defunct social norms, and organization."

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